EPA registration Number F0065-1

Contents comply with the Air Pollution Act regulations

EPA registration Number F0065-1

Contents comply with the Air Pollution Act regulations

Seasoned Irish Bulk & Bagged Firewood Logs For Sale
Meath, Navan, Kells, Ashbourne, Dunboyne, Trim, Drogheda

Sherlogs Firewood are a Navan, Meath based producer and supplier of guaranteed low moisture, kiln dried standard, Irish grown firewood.

Our Products

Irish Firewood

Locally sourced firewood

Craft Timber

From our own forest

Wooden Gates

High quality, premium crafted wood gates

Get in Touch

Sherlogs – Sustainable Seasoned Bagged & Bulk Firewood for Sale
Meath, Navan, Kells, Ashbourne, Dunboyne, Trim, Drogheda

Sherlogs Firewood are a Navan based producer and supplier of guaranteed low moisture, seasoned & kiln dried standard, Irish grown firewood logs. Our low moisture firewood gives clean burning high heat output with no tar clogging up your flues.

All our timber is sourced from local carefully managed plantations with full product traceability.

Buying Irish locally produced firewood, ensures that all the income from firewood sales helps the local economy, creating local jobs, not a global oil company or oil rich country.

As Ireland has no natural oil reserves, any native energy sources make Ireland more independent.

Sherlogs in Action!

Check out how sherlogs do their business, from local forestry, to on-site wood prepping, cutting, drying & bagging.  

We even provide a friendly, local delivery service – or you’re welcome to pick up your order!

Call For a Quote:

086 2576864


A delivery service is available with our own tail-lift vehicle.

Which, with access permitting, can deliver our product to your door or directly into your garage. Thus ensuring no handling by you.


This is a short two minute film funded by the Wood Fuel Quality Assurance (WFQA) of which we are members.

This film explains what our business is about.

Duncan Stewart and his team visited our premises and forest on a very rainy day one November, to film for an Eco Eye program on Forestry.  Even the weather didn’t dampen their spirits, and it was a pleasure to meet them.

They were filming for

Eco Eye Series 13, Episode 3 – ‘The Power of Wood’…enjoy!

In this episode we show what happens to trees grown for timber use from a small forest holding. This forest owner has many hats, a wood turner, timber processor and passionate forest owner. It would be a shorter list to say what John Sherlock cannot do in relation to timber. John’s firewood business is in Navan, Co. Meath and trades under the name “Sherlogs”.

Members of

Irish BioEnergy Association

Wood Fuel Quality Assurance


Irish Timber Growers Association

Contact Us

Gainstown, Navan, Co. Meath, C15 HX82, Republic of Ireland

Phone Number: 046 90 21240 / 086 2576864
or international dialling: + 353 46 90 21240

Opening Hours: 8am to 5.30pm daily.  closed Sat, Sun and bank holidays