EPA registration Number F0065-1

Contents comply with the Air Pollution Act regulations

EPA registration Number F0065-1

Contents comply with the Air Pollution Act regulations


In Navan, our team process both Irish hardwood and Irish softwood firewood onto 1.7m3 pallets, in net bags and also as kindling (see ‘Firewood’ page for further detail).

Our timber is seasoned for one year – time is all it takes – then processed and given the final drying in our carbon neutral solar drying polytunnel kilns (also supplied by a local Navan company, Polytunnels Direct).

Even our packaging is recyclable:

– All the pallets we use for carrying the firewood are recycled, and continue to be if returned by the customer to us; and

– All our bags are recyclable (look out for the symbol on our bags).

These kilns, one shown above, use the sun (for natural heat) and the wind (naturally circulating in the tunnel) to take away the final percentage of moisture from our Irish firewood.

In Sherlogs’ pursuit to lower our carbon impact, we have sourced a power supplier who generates power from 100% renewable sources. We also use an electric forklift. All our Irish firewood and Irish woodchip is produced by electricity.

Our firewood is a cheap and environmentally friendly alternative to oil heating. 1,000 litre of kerosene has a carbon footprint of 0.76 tonne – this currently costs, on average, a whopping €950. However, 4.7m3 of our low moisture softwood will give the same heat at only €380 and it looks nicer in your garage. Which would you prefer…a pallet of sweet smelling natural local Irish firewood or foul smelling kerosene?

Our team, in Navan, gather together all our timber offcuts from our Irish firewood production and produce garden mulch.

By chipping our offcut timber leftovers in our shredder, absolutely no timber waste is produced in our Irish firewood process.

(pictured below this text)

Sustainable Firewood

We do not sell imported firewood, as imported firewood sails thousands of miles on container ships using marine fuel, which is a dirty heavy oil, polluting our estuaries, rivers, seas and oceans – which will (has) inevitably end up in our food chain.

Take responsibility for your own actions – do not leave environmental issues up to everybody else – it takes a pebble to build a mountain.

If you buy from a local company that sources their timber locally, you are also helping the local economy and employment.

Keep it close – support your local community.

Members of

Irish BioEnergy Association

Wood Fuel Quality Assurance


Irish Timber Growers Association

Contact Us

Gainstown, Navan, Co. Meath, C15 HX82, Republic of Ireland

Phone Number: 046 90 21240 / 086 2576864
or international dialling: + 353 46 90 21240

Opening Hours: 8am to 5.30pm daily.  closed Sat, Sun and bank holidays