EPA registration Number F0065-1

Contents comply with the Air Pollution Act regulations

EPA registration Number F0065-1

Contents comply with the Air Pollution Act regulations

Heat Values of Firewood

If you use firewood to heat your home, below is a chart of the different types of firewood to burn—giving it’s heat value vs weight (softwoods weighing less than hardwoods).

Colorific Value by Species

Please note:

The below graph shows heat value per tonne at 20% moisture.

Softwood is roughly 25% more volume per tonne than hardwood, however, this still equates to a 20% saving on using softwood compared to hardwood.

When we start to take from our stacks of palletised processed Irish firewood, after at least a year’s natural air drying, we take a sample from one of the pallets and perform an oven test.

This gives an indication of what the moisture reading the pallets are performing at.

The operation also gives us peace of mind that we are not delivering a pallet of firewood that is not the quality our customers would expect to receive from us.

Members of

Irish BioEnergy Association

Wood Fuel Quality Assurance


Irish Timber Growers Association

Contact Us

Gainstown, Navan, Co. Meath, C15 HX82, Republic of Ireland

Phone Number: 046 90 21240 / 086 2576864
or international dialling: + 353 46 90 21240

Opening Hours: 8am to 5.30pm daily.  closed Sat, Sun and bank holidays